Full stack done fast

I'm a new arrival to the tech scene in Minneapolis, MN. I've been working hard on full stack development to launch my new career, and I plan to eventually move on to enterprise software engineering. I am prepared to quickly adapt to whichever languages, frameworks, or libraries my clients need. When I'm not coding, I arrange and perform music for a couple of groups around the Twin Cities.

My expertise is primarily with JavaScript. I have experience with the following web technologies (among others):

I can also offer additional skills as needed:

Complex projects require plenty of communication and cooperation. You don't want a technical wizard who can't write an e-mail or appreciate stakeholders' needs. From years of experience on corporate teams and musical groups, I'm ready to join your team with the soft skills necessary to fit in and keep operations running smoothly.

Find me on GitHub

See my development certifications from Free Code Camp:

Contact me today to discuss what I can do for you.

Twitch status monitor
The Game of Life
JaveScript calculator
Markdown previewer
Polling app
Simon game